How to get more followers on Pinterest

How to Get More Followers on Pinterest

Pinterest is a popular social media site where anyone can share favorite clippings such as photos and videos with their followers. Pinterest can be used as a fun tool to post favorite recipes or as a business tool to grow an audience for a product or service. You can create your own Pinterest page or hire a social media consultant to design it for you.

On Pinterest, you create boards and name them. Under each board you post images, web pages or anything else that you can pin. It’s a good idea to keep a theme for each board. One board can be favorite photos from around the web and another board can be books you’ve read recently. The options are endless, and with a little creativity you can gain a large following on Pinterest.

There are many ways to get more followers. The first thing you should do is add a “Pin It” button to your website or blog. When people visit pages on your site with this button, they can click on it to pin an image or the entire page their boards. Their followers can click on your name, view your boards, and follow you.

Also consider adding the “Follow me on Pinterest” button to your website. There is also the “Pinterest” button that’s useful for people who visit your site but don’t have a Pinterest account. This allows them to see your boards and then choose to sign up for their own accounts.

When posting to your boards, make sure you only add good content that others would re-pin. A blurry image of a birthday cake won’t go far, but a funny picture of the birthday boy with cake on his face will catch a lot of attention. If you post high-quality images, you’ll gain more followers who will check your site regularly to see what’s new.

Organize your boards the same way you would organize file folders. Place boards close together that resemble the same theme. For example, if you have one board for Hawaii, one for London and the other one for Mexico, then place them all together with other travel-related boards. Then add those boards to the travel category; anyone looking for photos under that category will come across your boards. If they see you share the same interests, they will follow you.

Jen Mathews

President, Top Tier Media

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